venerdì 23 ottobre 2009

Mondo Girls - CD (Mondo Girls, 2006)

20 floorshaking soul-r'n'beat gems from the 60's
1 Nita Rossi - Something To Give (U.K.)
2 Pussy Cat - Mais pourquoi (France)
3 Lulu - Love Loves To Love Love (Glasgow, U.K.)
4 Valeria Mongardini - Se Sapessi Mio Caro (Italy)
5 Little Gigi - Take The Bitter With The Sweet
6 The Ravelles - Psychedelic Movement (Iron Mountain, MI, U.S.A.)
7 France Gall - Die sconste musik die est gibt (Paris, France)
8 Sandie Shaw - Hurting You (Dagenham, U.K.)
9 Lola Falana - Scrivimi Il Tuo Nome (U.S.A.)
10 Shelly & Nueva Generation - Vestido Azul (Madrid, Spain)
11 Stella - J'Achete Des Disques Americains (Paris, France)
12 Brenda Lee - Is It True? (U.S.A.)
13 Renata Pacini - In nome dell'amore (Italy)
14 Sharon Tandy - Hurry, Hurry, Choo, Choo (South Africa)
15 Peggy March - Doktor (U.S.A.)
16 Rosella Santo - Prendi prendi (Italy)
17 Maria Dallas - Ambush (New Zealand)
18 Sylvie Vartan - Il revient (France)
19 Ria Bartok - Action (France)
20 Paola Neri - Non Voglio Piu' Riverderti (Italy)

8 commenti:

  1. Hi,

    This is a GREAT blog. i can't figure out how to download the music however. Can you help? Sorry for my lack of Italian language.


  2. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  3. Hello, Caveman. Amazing blog. I was wondering if you could help a fellow '60s soul and garage aficionado.. I'm trying to find this tune but Im not having any luck. Hope you can help me. Here is a sample:

    it may be one of these: but I wouldnt know for sure

    Thank you beforehand, and keep it up!

  4. sorry, if you cannot hear the links, it goes: "I'm talkin' bout you" and it has a lot of marimbas. Thanks again

  5. Hi Caveman,

    I see the link has disappeared. Any chance of re-posting. It looks wonderful and I could not find it anywhere. Thanks either way.
