venerdì 20 gennaio 2012

Oh Damn !!! ;(

Megaupload and Megavideo closed!

PS: Don't worry cavemans ! Time to time I reupload all records with Mediafire. More patience PLEASE!!!

22 commenti:

  1. Yes, thank you for not giving it up!

  2. Actually, I am a VERY good woman ;-)

  3. I can't understand who'd be bitching about PoGC not having 100% of the links in working order, seeing how MegaUpload just went down like 24 hrs ago...

    And let me cosign a couple other posters in saying that I love the site, appreciate yr efforts, and blahblahblah....

    Keep up the good work!

  4. ahoi
    fellow sufferer!

    I lost ALL my surf movies and tapes, thought megavideo is a good backup for my harddrive. Luckily the f***ing old harddrive is still running ..

  5. Dzar friend, thanks for your great wrk, may I ask tou to repost this one : Up from the Grave - Frantic ? Thonks again and keep up your splendid blog !

  6. Gracias por todo cavernario!!! grandes LPS he conocido gracias a tu noble labor. Tienes mi apoyo, no decaiga el animo!! A subir de nuevo!, no nos detendran!!!

  7. Tremendous work to come , my friend !
    Is Garage punk 66 really out ?
    Sinon bonjour Chocorêve.

  8. Great work, so glad you didn't just walk away from this whole mess with megaupload and just forget about blogging.

  9. Just saw that GaragePunk 66 is gone and done....damn.

    I know he was struggling with the whole idea of whether or not to keep running the blog...I guess someone else made that decision for him.

    Annnyway....yet another reason for your blog to come back strong - when yr ready!

  10. Oh, many many thanx friends for your appreciations ! ;)

  11. GaragePunk 66 is down ...ohh damn ! this story killed ours blog ;(((

  12. Looks like *Blogger* took out GaragePunk66, no surprise, as they chose to exercise their power with alarming frequency even before this megaupload nonsense.

    Does anyone know how to get hold of GP66? We all could help him come back - there are plenty of great blogs who've been taken down multiple times & manage to regroup!

  13. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  14. @GaragePunk66 -
    Well, that is very sad.
    And completely understandable. Hopefully our paths will cross in oher corners of the blogging community. Thanks again for everything!

  15. Thank you Holly for all your comments and kindness.

  16. Garage Punk 66, always be on my list of friends blogs, like MZA-garage or Chocoreve. They are part of history.
    Thank you all.

  17. @Mark: you deleted your comment before i got a chance to read it. Guess i'll e-you offline and get the skinny on what happened. @Caveman: take your time, we're WITH ya, no matter what you do, what you decide to repost, or where you go [long as you let us know]. You guys are true fans and real superheroes for sticking it out. Let's not forget that with or without the goodies, these blogs are magical places for us to communicate. I'm also thinking that once upon a time, we'd all go over each other's houses and trade shit! Only the method changed, and i'm not about to stop "coming over to hang out" just cuz...the bus route was cancelled. There's always another way - we simply lost the EASIEST way. :)

  18. March on my madman! Thank you for your efforts! I give you a gift to enjoy and share from me - created in my attic: The New McFadden's Parachute Album (art included)

  19. ciao vinc.
    eccomi tornato dopo un po' di tempo di latitanza causa pc e tempo.

    come al solito, pubblichi sempre cose "elegantissime"!!!

    aspetto con ansia il trasferimento su mediafire e intanto frugo qua e là anche su slsk

    a presto!

