sabato 28 luglio 2018

Eighties Colours #2 - LP (Electric Eye, 1987)

The Magic Potion - Happy Times (Rome, Italy) 

Side 1
The Ugly Things - Let Me In (Bologna, Italy) 
The Silver Surfers - M.O.N.E.Y. Now! (Milan, Italy) 
Pale Dawn - Amanda (Rome, Italy) 
Psychomotor Pluck - Underground Down The Town (Italy) 
The Sleeves - Beating The Grass (Genoa, Italy) *
Allison Run - Milk Is Set In The Sky (Italy) *

Side 2
Pikes In Panic - If She Weren't So Beautiful I'd (Siena, Italy) 
The Scrimshankers - Always Murders Squat Under Velvets Office (Italy) 
Impulsive Youth - Ant Town (Italy) 
The Acid Flowers - The Druglio (Milan, Italy) 
Keep Away From Children - Madness (Italy) 
The Avengers - I Don't Feel Alright (Italy)

Side 3
Steeplejack - The Tin Soldiers (Pisa, Italy) 

Side 4
The Soul Hunters - I Can't Believe You Leave (Florence, Italy) 

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