martedì 16 agosto 2022

Reuploads Pt 15


3 commenti:

  1. Hey there . First of all thank you for many years and access to so much great music but I am having a problem getting the files for some of these uploads like Michigan Mixture and others. Some of the files on Kraken download as a file for VLC or I am just not able to open. Why did you change servers ?? Can you correct these files or tell me what I'm doing wrong ???? Thanks , frm Ned in Spain.

  2. hello, as always I uploaded the files with the extension. rar so you should download as always and be able to listen with media player. vlc I don't know why it activates.
    I changed server because this seems faster than mediafire. Let me know if you can fix it. peace & love

  3. Thanks for the update of the update. I downloaded all the titles I didn't see in iTunes (around 10 of the), so thanks.
